October represents the 175th anniversary of first campaign in which the 49th participated. Arriving in Jefferson City on October 3rd, 1865, the 49th began constructing earthworks to protect the city from Sterling Price’s approaching army.
On October 6th parts of the 49th apparently skirmished with the rebels near Moreau Creek and Private Henry T. Lefaivre, a 15-year old farmer in Company G, suffered a serious gunshot wound to his right leg from which he died on the 9th. He was buried in the small National Cemetery in Jefferson City. He has the unfortunate distinction of being the first soldier in the regiment to die while in service.
While the gravestone records the name “Lafeth” and enlistment records give his age as 17, a receipt signed by his father for $50 bounty based on his son’s service indicates that the proper surname is “Lefaivre” and that he was 15 when he joined the unit.